We hope this resource will be helpful to the members of the Facebook group, Improving Intimacy in Latter-Day Saint Relationships.
This webpage was designed to help members of the Facebook group understand more about various topics surrounding intimacy and act as a reference to important topics that have been previously discussed by the group.
2017: Three (LDS) Therapists and a Facebook Group.
One of the miracles and blessings of social media is the opportunity to meet amazing individuals you would have otherwise never met. That is the case with us three; although we have never met in person we have virtually united with a common mission and goal.
Our paths crossed in various other groups with an LDS intimacy or sexuality focus. Although these groups serve a needed purpose, we felt each of these groups continued to feed into cultural/religious myths, doctrinal misconceptions, bad science and struggled to be a reliable resource to the LDS community. It could be done better, you deserve better. Therefore we decided to team up with this common vision, to provide the best that science and our faith have to offer, in one location.
January 7, 2018: Improving Intimacy in Mormon Marriages Facebook Group was created.
The need for the resources offered in this group is evident with the group’s quick growth. Since the group’s creation, we have added additional support with amazing moderators (some who are therapists) and who emulated and encourage the mission and culture of the group.
As trained professionals, we desire to bring our passion, knowledge, faith, expertise, and different specializations to this group in order to give you information and resources that you can trust are clinically accurate.
Although this is NOT therapy or counseling in any way, we hope to bring our clinical expertise into the discussions here for the benefit of all.
If you are looking for professional help from one of the therapists who admin the group, feel free to reach out to them via their professional websites.
February 26, 2020: Updated group name, Improving Intimacy in Mormon Marriages to Improving Intimacy in Latter-day Saint Relationships
Daniel Burgess, IILDSR creator, owner of Ascent Family Therapy and Therapist